Spain and Portugal left behind in latest FIFA rankings.

Spain and Portugal left behind in latest FIFA rankings. The teams are still in the top-5 of the world football, but the gap is gradually closing.
The gap between the teams is so small that it can be easily noticed. In the previous season, Real Madrid and Barcelona were in the same position, but this time the gap has been reduced to a minimum.
In the current season, the gap between Portugal and Spain is minimal, too. The Portuguese team has a good chance to win the European Championship, and the Spanish team is in the last position.

The main goal of the Portuguese team is to win gold medals at the World Cup, which will be held in Russia in 2018.
Main Favorites of the Next Season
The next season will be interesting not only for the Portuguese and Spanish teams, but also for the German and Italian teams. The gap between them is also minimal, so the teams can fight for the title.
However, the main favorites of the next season are:
* Real Madrid;
* Barcelona;
* Juventus;
* Atletico.
All the teams have a good opportunity to win more titles in the next year.
Who Will Be the Best in Next Season?
The current season has shown that the gap in the rankings is not so small. In general, the teams are in a good condition, so they can fight until the last round.
Real Madrid is in a very good shape, too, and it is already showing good results. The team has already won the Champions League, and now it is ready to fight for gold medals.
Barcelona is also in a pretty good shape. The Catalans are in the first position in the standings, and they are ready to defend it.
Juventus is in an excellent shape, and its main goal is to defend the Champions title. The Turin team is still young, and many of them have already won a lot of titles.
Atletico is also a favorite of the current football season. The Spanish team has long been considered the main favorite of La Liga, and this is the reason why the team is considered to be the main contender for the champion title.
However the team has recently been in a bad shape, so it will be very difficult for it to defend its title. However, the team can still win gold and silver medals. The main favorites are:
* Liverpool;

* Manchester City;
· Chelsea;
* Arsenal;
*. Tottenham.
Each of the teams has a very strong and interesting lineup. The following players are the main contenders for the Golden Boot:
· Sergio Aguero;
· Lionel Messi;
· Neymar;
· Gareth Bale.
This season, it has been difficult for the teams to find a suitable lineup, but they are determined to win all the trophies they can.
Live Results of Football Matches
The football season has already ended, and there was a lot to see and learn from it. The fans can now enjoy the results of the matches on the sports statistics website.
It is easy to follow the results, as well as to find out the latest news from the world of the favorite sports disciplines.
Latest Results of Sports Matches
It has now become much easier to follow all the latest results. The website provides information on the following sports disciplines:
• football;

• basketball;
• hockey;
and others.
Thanks to the development of technology, it is now possible to follow even the most obscure competitions.
There is a special section on the website dedicated to each sport. It contains not only the results from the matches of the most popular teams, leagues, and competitions, but it also contains the schedule of upcoming matches.
You can also find out how the teams will perform during the upcoming games, as the results will be available for viewing on the site.
Football Matches Results
The season has ended, so now it’s time to look forward to the new season of the football tournament. The professionals have already started to prepare for the new tournament, and you can follow their progress on the platform.
On the website, you will find the results and statistics of the games of the top European football championships. The information on these championships is updated in real time, so you will always be aware of the latest information.
Follow the progress of the upcoming matches and you will be able to follow their development as well. The website offers a wide range of information, including the following:
1. The schedule of the forthcoming matches;
2. Results of the previous matches;
3. Statistics of the game;
4. Detailed information about the team;
5. Links to the social media platforms.
These are just a few examples of the information that you can find on the football website. It is easy and convenient to use, and all you need is a computer with Internet access.
What to Expect from the Future Season?
Now it� is much easier and more convenient to follow football results. It’ll be much easier for fans to keep abreast of the news and find out all the necessary information. The football season is in full swing, and we can expect a lot from the professionals.

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